Tuesday, April 26, 2016

4 Tips on How to Combat Acne

4 Tips on How to Combat Acne And Improve Noticeably

Just mentioning the word acne, we know that we are facing a type of skin too oily. If you are suffering from pimples, blackheads and excessive brightness on your face, it's because you have oily skin.


If you want to know how to combat acne quickly and with permanent results, you are in the right place. Here you will find 4 steps you must take to start eliminating those embarrassing blemishes on your face, neck and back.

How to fight acne with 4 simple tips

1. Keep your face clean. Whether you have acne, it is important to wash your face every day to remove impurities, dead skin cells and excess fat from the surface of the skin. Use warm (not hot) water and a mild facial cleanser. Using a mild soap (such as body deodorant soap) can damage the skin and inflamed and cause more irritation.

Do not rub your skin with a rough cloth, exfoliating glove or loofah (sponge coarse texture). Wash your face gently with clean hands or a soft cloth. Always rinse well and dry your face with a clean towel and especially for this use only. Never mix your towels for the face with the other clothes as you can spread the bacteria.

2. Hydrate your skin. Many acne products contain topical ingredients that dry the skin, so always use a moisturizer to minimize dryness and peeling skin. A moisturizer based gel usually works well for oily skin. If you have dry, test skin with a moisturizer or lotion.

3. Try an acne product. Some acne products may contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, an antibacterial agent with oxidizing effect, or salicylic acid, which prevents abnormal desquamation caused by acne. Start with a small amount at first and see increasing or decreasing the amount and how often to apply it. These ointments used with caution if you have sensitive skin.

4. Be careful what you put in your hair. Avoids the use of fragrances, oils and harsh chemicals on the hair. These ingredients can drip onto your face, clogging the pores of your skin and irritating her. Try using a shampoo and conditioning hair that is smooth and not as oily, especially when outbreaks occur grains.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Controlling Acne No Overlook This

Undoubtedly one of your top priorities if you have horrible grains "burying" your aesthetic, is to discover how to control acne. True?

There are many causes that cause acne.

One of the most important, is the production of sex hormones in adolescence, in fact, these skin problems are part of it and mark their development.

Controlling Acne No Overlook This

If you are at this stage or just want to know how to delete them then you want to read the following ...

The body of the teenager, to produce these new sexual hormones, stimulate the sebaceous glands of the body by increasing their secretions fat or tallow.

Depending on the conditions of hygiene, clogged pores and other external factors, this bait accumulates, until a small infection, which swells, reddens and causes pain in the affected areas.

It is normal under these circumstances, every teenager wants to know how to control acne, although you may know that it is a natural condition of aging, and must take certain steps to ensure that it does not become chronic and affects more than usual.

It is well known, on the scars and marks left on the skin, acne critical episodes badly treated or neglected.

When an aggressive acne occurs, it is due to clogged pores, small holes where different body processes are done with their environment, sweat, perspiration, thermal control of the body and others.

Being obstructed, generate the conditions for the formation of bacteria and the appearance of the annoying pimples.

This situation has worsened, according to genetic predispositions, the environment, hygiene, and even food.

Discover how to control acne, also depends on knowing your skin type and choose a good strategy to control and eradicate it.

The first step to achieve adequate control of acne is knowing what type of skin you have, what there a family history of acne, detect that type of food alters you more and rethink your cleaning habits.

Now comes an extremely powerful method ...

It is a full arsenal techniques, ideas and strategies that will help to exterminate the acne forever from your life, no matter if you're a teenager or adult, male or female, but this legitimate method will help you.

There are hundreds of people like me suffered from this horrible evil, just like you I was unhappy with myself but it seemed that nothing could be done.

Until I found a natural solution that left me with a smile and I'm still smiling :)

Well before presenting the full arsenal let me tell you this is not for everyone, it is only for those who are tired of being the mirror every day and meet with pimples on your face or body.

And only recommend access to this material only to those who are willing to do something about it and apply the methods, otherwise Debas perhaps not even bother to read what's coming.