Thursday, August 11, 2016

Home Remedies for Acne on Face 100% Natural

Home-Remedies-Acne-Face-100%-NaturalThis time I'll talk about some home remedies for acne on the face that will help a lot.

I will give you practical recipes for these grains assertively fight it once and for all and everything naturally.

In my humble opinion ...

I believe that home remedies for acne on the face are safer and more effective than expensive drugs offered by pharmaceutical today.

All popular medicines that are used to overcome acne can be divided into two types, depending on the method of its application:

- For external use as a mask for acne, various tonics, etc. Y
- For internal use as herbal teas, tinctures, medicines, and so on.

Bluntly we will start with the topic that you really want to know. To get rid of acne ...

COMBINE warm water, a tablespoon of baking powder and apply this cream on your face for about 20 minutes.

Wait until the mask to dry, then rinse with cold water.

You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to achieve better results.

To make this treatment combines in similar proportions, mashed carrots, honey and egg yolk.

The mask apply it on your face for about 15 or 20 minutes. After that, you should wash with water.

And another ...

Home remedies for acne on the face with garlic are also very useful in removing pimples and blackheads, especially if they are pink.

Take a few cloves of garlic. Apply the resulting paste on the skin of your face for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat the process twice a week regularly. You have fresh garlic paste, every time you use it.

Acne is a circumstance of the skin which can be controlled if the exact methods are known to attack successfully.

The vast majority of people suffer and continue to suffer from acne to ignore certain basic fundamentals that are easy to apply.

Although we can not blame these people because they lack the requisite knowledge, which if true is that now you'll be able to access some of these secrets.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

7 Simple Effective Masks for Acne


Masks for acne are not only the best home remedies for acne, but also cleans the pores of the skin and maintains firmness and skin texture. When you find the recipe for a mask that works well with your skin, it can help lighten and soften. 

Here are the most popular masks against acne. Try one or more of these masks to see how your skin responds to treatment. When you find a mask with your skin really seems to respond with good results, try to use it once or twice a week to see improvements.

Masks for acne that you can do at home

1. Baking soda mask

This is one of the best masks for acne, and sure you have the ingredients at home, one is sodium bicarbonate and the second is water. Make a mixture of baking soda and water, after washing your face with a cleanser, gently apply the mask on your skin. After applying the mask to let it rest 20 minutes. Then wash your face and you feel more softness and clarity in your skin. And if your skin feels good with this treatment for acne apply it twice a week to remove acne.

2. Egg white mask

This is one of the simplest masks for acne there. All you need to do is separate the yolk from the egg white. Then beat the egg whites until foamy and becomes soft. Apply it to your face clean (with clean hands). Leave it on for about 20 minutes and wash with warm water. If you are allergic to egg, then do not use it.

3. Egg yolk mask

The use of vitamin A against acne scars is the best treatment, and egg yolk contains it. Simply apply the egg yolk on the skin, leave at least 20 minutes and rinse your face with water.

4. Tonic with basil

To make these masks for acne, you need 3 teaspoons of dried basil leaves and boiling water. I like the basil leaves in water for 10 to 20 minutes. Cool and apply on the face with a ball of white cotton.

5. Masks for acne sea salt or table salt

Swimming in the ocean sure you will enjoy (or buy sea salt and make a mask). Or just wash gently with a mixture of salt and water.

6. Masks for acne based on oats

Mix some oatmeal with water and apply it on your skin carefully. Leave it until it dries (10-15 minutes). This mask is smooth and safe.

7. Honey and apple mask

You Need 1 medium apple and 4 tablespoons of honey. Mix the grated apple and honey. Apply to clean skin gently and let sit for about 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize as usual.

These masks for acne are excellent to clean your face and remove impurities, one must have a little patience and dedication to start seeing results.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Vitamin E for Acne Scars

As if the acne problem is not enough, it is followed by its depressing ugly scars. The scars seem to be a persistent problem that causes great damage to the skin texture. Although it is a persistent problem, some people go to cosmetic surgery to get rid of the scars of this type, while others spend huge sums of money in different types of products for skin care. 


Apart from these, some people may also benefit from using some simple home remedies and inexpensive, that although scars do not disappear forever, improve the appearance of the skin, making it look less prominent. Among the products for skin care and many home remedies to treat acne scars, is the use of vitamin E in the form of creams, lotions and natural sources. It can also be administered in capsule form. The following is a brief description of the benefits of using vitamin E for acne scars.

How does Vitamin E helps in the treatment of acne scars?

Let's start this discussion with the use of vitamin E for acne scars. All you have to do is take the lotion, cream or oil and, using your fingertips, apply it on the affected areas of the face. gently massage the areas with downward strokes. It is also preferable massaging in a circular motion. Take sufficient care to avoid eye contact. Not to forget, it is best to clean and dry the area before starting the application. Having made the massage wait for 3 to 4 hours before rinsing your face with warm water.

The use of vitamin E for treating scars is very popular mainly due to the antioxidant properties of this nutrient. It protects the cells from damage by free radicals body can be caused by UV radiation, pollution, etc. This vitamin helps in the regulation of vitamin A on the skin. This results in creating strong capillary walls and protection of RBCs.

Amidst these benefits of using vitamin E for removing acne scars, studies advocate that creams or lotions containing vitamin may not work as well against the scars, as sources are not natural. There are also reports showing that the synthetic version of the vitamin is as active as the natural source medium. Thus, the efficacy of skin care products based on vitamin E, could be increased when combined with food sources and supplements thereof. Common foods containing vitamin E can be added to your diet. These include vegetables such as asparagus, sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, chard, cabbage, kale, etc., fruits such as kiwi, mango and raw papaya are also rich in this vitamin. Other sources include wheat germ, oregano, parsley, sage, egg yolk, dry roasted almonds, sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil and rapeseed oil.

Further more, it has been studied that use oil containing vitamin E for acne scars more good when taken in conjunction with vitamin E from natural sources, vitamin A and / or vitamin C. This is because such use prevents some type of skin cancer and reduces the damage caused by the sun on the skin. Therefore, all these benefits can also be added to improve the appearance of acne scars.

To conclude, acne scars can not be cured completely, unless one opts for cosmetic surgery. However, using products with vitamin E, the addition of natural to dietary sources, and keeping the body fit and healthy, you can make a lot of improvements not only in the appearance of scars, but health skin in general. The only word of caution for the use of vitamin E for acne scars is that if you experience any abnormal symptoms, then you better stop using it and discuss alternatives with your specialist in skin care.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

4 Tips on How to Combat Acne

4 Tips on How to Combat Acne And Improve Noticeably

Just mentioning the word acne, we know that we are facing a type of skin too oily. If you are suffering from pimples, blackheads and excessive brightness on your face, it's because you have oily skin.


If you want to know how to combat acne quickly and with permanent results, you are in the right place. Here you will find 4 steps you must take to start eliminating those embarrassing blemishes on your face, neck and back.

How to fight acne with 4 simple tips

1. Keep your face clean. Whether you have acne, it is important to wash your face every day to remove impurities, dead skin cells and excess fat from the surface of the skin. Use warm (not hot) water and a mild facial cleanser. Using a mild soap (such as body deodorant soap) can damage the skin and inflamed and cause more irritation.

Do not rub your skin with a rough cloth, exfoliating glove or loofah (sponge coarse texture). Wash your face gently with clean hands or a soft cloth. Always rinse well and dry your face with a clean towel and especially for this use only. Never mix your towels for the face with the other clothes as you can spread the bacteria.

2. Hydrate your skin. Many acne products contain topical ingredients that dry the skin, so always use a moisturizer to minimize dryness and peeling skin. A moisturizer based gel usually works well for oily skin. If you have dry, test skin with a moisturizer or lotion.

3. Try an acne product. Some acne products may contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, an antibacterial agent with oxidizing effect, or salicylic acid, which prevents abnormal desquamation caused by acne. Start with a small amount at first and see increasing or decreasing the amount and how often to apply it. These ointments used with caution if you have sensitive skin.

4. Be careful what you put in your hair. Avoids the use of fragrances, oils and harsh chemicals on the hair. These ingredients can drip onto your face, clogging the pores of your skin and irritating her. Try using a shampoo and conditioning hair that is smooth and not as oily, especially when outbreaks occur grains.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Controlling Acne No Overlook This

Undoubtedly one of your top priorities if you have horrible grains "burying" your aesthetic, is to discover how to control acne. True?

There are many causes that cause acne.

One of the most important, is the production of sex hormones in adolescence, in fact, these skin problems are part of it and mark their development.

Controlling Acne No Overlook This

If you are at this stage or just want to know how to delete them then you want to read the following ...

The body of the teenager, to produce these new sexual hormones, stimulate the sebaceous glands of the body by increasing their secretions fat or tallow.

Depending on the conditions of hygiene, clogged pores and other external factors, this bait accumulates, until a small infection, which swells, reddens and causes pain in the affected areas.

It is normal under these circumstances, every teenager wants to know how to control acne, although you may know that it is a natural condition of aging, and must take certain steps to ensure that it does not become chronic and affects more than usual.

It is well known, on the scars and marks left on the skin, acne critical episodes badly treated or neglected.

When an aggressive acne occurs, it is due to clogged pores, small holes where different body processes are done with their environment, sweat, perspiration, thermal control of the body and others.

Being obstructed, generate the conditions for the formation of bacteria and the appearance of the annoying pimples.

This situation has worsened, according to genetic predispositions, the environment, hygiene, and even food.

Discover how to control acne, also depends on knowing your skin type and choose a good strategy to control and eradicate it.

The first step to achieve adequate control of acne is knowing what type of skin you have, what there a family history of acne, detect that type of food alters you more and rethink your cleaning habits.

Now comes an extremely powerful method ...

It is a full arsenal techniques, ideas and strategies that will help to exterminate the acne forever from your life, no matter if you're a teenager or adult, male or female, but this legitimate method will help you.

There are hundreds of people like me suffered from this horrible evil, just like you I was unhappy with myself but it seemed that nothing could be done.

Until I found a natural solution that left me with a smile and I'm still smiling :)

Well before presenting the full arsenal let me tell you this is not for everyone, it is only for those who are tired of being the mirror every day and meet with pimples on your face or body.

And only recommend access to this material only to those who are willing to do something about it and apply the methods, otherwise Debas perhaps not even bother to read what's coming.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Home Methods for Acne Ultra Powerful

Whenever you want to improve aspects of your health, definitely the most important is to get everything that comes from nature and is available and suits the basic needs of every skin type.

Since home methods for acne create a benefit with good results since it is constant and above all has no contraindications.

Home Methods for Acne Ultra Powerful

FIRST: Of great importance as it is the lemon also known as the fruit of multiple uses, this is a disinfectant, antiseptic and antibiotic fruit that applied only in the mornings with good clean face generates decreasing fat that accumulates daily.

This should be done without exposure to the sun and should be rinsed well in a time of 20 minutes, so you can take on an empty stomach and this will strengthen the effect as it improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver thereby achieving greater results.

Home methods for acne provide health and vitality because of its effectiveness because its components are substances based on vitamins and elements that the body needs daily.

SECOND: The brown sugar, a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda helps to exfoliate your skin smoother and smoother this giving in ascending circular massages should be left about 15 minutes you juagar with warm water alternating with cold.

Panela is widely used for healing wounds making them less visible and soothes your skin less oily and acne generates feeling.

THIRD: I recommend the aloe vera for its miraculous natural components fasting crystals aloe vera (aloe vera) liquefy and taken for 1 month this cleanses the blood and organs.

Aloe vera can also aplicártelo in the face with a lemon Gothic This not only improves the appearance of acne but also of the skin in general.

Your perseverance and discipline depends on the success you have with home methods for acne.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Using Nettle for Acne

One of the biggest problems is the skin is prone to the appearance of pimples or acne. If you do not know how to get rid of him, we give a possible solution. Among the homemade beauty tips commonly used to combat this skin problem, it highlights the nettle, a herbaceous plant which has many properties (tonic, antibacterial, stimulating and nourishing, etc.) that are highly beneficial for the skin. Have you been wanting to know more? We encourage you to continue reading the following article and discover how to use nettle for acne. Subscribe to the homemade, natural and economic remedies.


1. Nettle is excellent to combat skin disorders such as eczema, herpes and above ground, the appearance of acne. His great purifying, nourishing and invigorating power make it perfect to stimulate and purify the skin while giving it some elasticity. In addition, this plant has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which has made that has been used for centuries as a home remedy par excellence.

Using Nettle for Acne

2. To combat skin problems and especially acne, we recommend using nettles as a tea or infusion as their properties have more power and therefore are more beneficial if the plant is soaked in hot water, but also it can be used by the dry method.

3. To prepare the infusion of nettle, you must take only the leaves of nettles and get rid of the stems. To perform this task, remember to use gloves to protect your hands from possible urticaria can produce you the plant.

Once you have selected nettle leaves, place them in a pot and add boiling water for infusion. Let the mixture sit a few minutes (5 or 10 minutes will do), so that the leaves give off all its nutrients. Over time required rest, add a dash of lemon or honey and you get tea ready to drink. On the other hand, we and nettle infusion bags and prepared, sold in supermarkets, but not as effective.

Using Nettle for Acne

4. Bear in mind that despite the bitterness, this tea is an effective remedy by the anti-inflammatory properties that give off their leaves. Combined with a high dose of fluid intake, nettle will help to eliminate toxins and, therefore, to cleanse your skin.

Using Nettle for Acne

5. To reduce acne quickly and effectively, it is best to take the nettle infusion two or three times a day, preferably before meals. There is no fixed term to carry out treatment, you can go just having tea until you see the pimples disappear.

Nettle can cause stomach irritation in some people, so if you want you can consume it as a pill accompanied by an abundance of water. Follow the instructions on the tablet before taking it.

6. This is a perfect place to get rid of acne natural remedy easily. Takes appropriate when handling the nettle, as it can cause irritation and skin hives precautions. Also remember always consume nettle (either as an infusion or as a supplement) with large amounts of water (one liter), to get the debugger and nourishing effect will bring you. Renew your skin with nettle and say goodbye to unwanted pimples!


This method is not recommended for pregnant or lactating.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

How to Help Control Acne

Acne is genetic and hormonal factors play a role, but they are also contributing factors called bad habits like diet rich in carbohydrates, excessive consumption of dairy products, smoke and some types of stains that help clog pores. It is possible to control if we follow the recommendations of dermatologists.

According to the group of Dermatologists of the American Academy of Dermatology, we can significantly reduce the problem of mild to moderate acne if we start living a life with good hygiene and dietary habits and increasing our skin care.

How to Help Control Acne

The recommendations are simple instructions for us to follow every day and after a few weeks we will see the results. As always, the first advice is to consult your dermatologist so that he will indicate which products are best suited for your skin type and characteristics of acne.

You can start with:

1. Wash your face twice a day and after sweating

Wash your face in the morning (includes daily bathing) and evenings are basic because during the day, the toxins that are in the air adhere to the natural fat of the skin favoring infection.

The same thing happens when we sweat, expel toxins that remain in the epidermis and we must remove them as quickly as possible.

2. Wash your face with special products without the use of sponges

Wash your hands with soap of your choice and then apply a face-preferably recommended that you have your date Dermatology- and gently massage the face with the fingertips, making small circles.

3. Be nice to your face

Take care of your skin and uses only alcohol-free products that are specially formulated for your skin type. We advise you to see a specialist to find out what are the best options for you; for one, do not use astringent and exfoliating lotion if they were not prescribed by a doctor. Remember irritated skin makes acne look worse.

4. Avoid rubbing the skin

Do not use sponges, brushes or any other attachment. Avoid the temptation to abuse the skin unnecessarily irritate because besides, you're helping to spread the infection.

5. Use warm water

Whenever you wash your face, try using warm water and bathe with water not too hot and not stay long under running water.

6. Use shampoo every day

If you have scalp greasy or oily feel, you should wash your hair every day and ask your dermatologist about the best option for you shampoo.

7. Let your skin to heal naturally

Do not take off your blackheads or pimples. Pinch the wounds of acne it is the worst thing you can do, because in addition to spreading the infection will hurt your skin and run the risk of scarring.

8. Avoid touching your face

Regardless of whether you have clean hands, touching your face you are a bad idea because you wear germs from one place to another.

9. Escape the sun and tanning beds

Contrary to popular belief, the sun not only helps reduce acne but also contributes to the formation of marks and scars on the skin. Moreover, many of the drugs prescribed by Dermatologists are contraindicated to sun exposure, so you should ask your physician about using a sunscreen.

10. See a Dermatologist

The best way to treat and prevent acne is following the advice of a medical specialist.

Currently there are treatments that help reduce and eliminate acne. Ask your doctor what kind of care and treatments are right for you.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Vitamins for Acne Control

Taking vitamins for acne control is a proven method to mitigate this skin disorder successful method. To learn about vitamins that can go a long way in improving acne, read on.

Despite sophisticated new methods for treating acne, such as laser therapy has been developed to reduce acne blemishes, there are ways to control low cost natural and even effectively eliminate acne. Vitamins are an integral part of human skin. Therefore, deficiency of these nutrients can cause a wide range of skin disorders such as acne. You ensure an adequate intake of vitamins for acne control it is directed at the underlying cause and warrant acne free skin in a short space of time.

Vitamins for Acne Control

The best vitamins for acne control

In order to achieve beautiful skin; doctors often speak of a diet rich in vitamins for acne free skin. Eat natural sources of vitamins every day and acne will fade soon. Information on acne control using vitamins A is as follows:

Vitamin A

Whether it is controlling or preventing acne, vitamin A can certainly contribute in many ways to handle this problem effectively. Synthesis of compounds for the development of skin collagen (a type of protein) is dependent on vitamin A. Not surprisingly, topical application or oral intake of retinoid (compounds derived from vitamin A) can do wonders for severe forms of acne disappear. There is no doubt that vitamin A plays a critical role in controlling and curing acne. Therefore, if you want your beans are removed quickly; opt for vitamin A for acne treatment is definitely recommended.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid also comes in the list of vitamins for acne control. Vitamin B5 Acne treatment is a very powerful tool to alleviate acne. Vitamin B5 works to reduce the production of sebum (oil), which helps to control acne. Even doctors recommend the use of vitamin B5 for acne (pantothenic acid for acne) and improve skin appearance.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) also has properties that fight acne and certainly can stop acne aggravating. Thiamine, being an antioxidant helps reduce the impact of free radicals on the skin and removes toxins from the body.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is also important for maintaining healthy skin. Studies have also shown that vitamin B2 may make a person susceptible to skin diseases like acne. On the other hand, too much stress can worsen acne, making it difficult to manage properly. Adequate intake of vitamin B2 is an easy way to reduce stress, thereby helping to combat acne successfully.

Vitamin B3

Talking about vitamins for acne control and not talk about vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), it would be foolish. Inflammation and acne blemishes (papules and comedones) associated with this skin disorder respond well to treatment with vitamin B3.

Vitamin B6

Hormone imbalance is more common in women also results in acne. Research has shown that vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) helps regulate hormone levels in our body. Therefore, in case of skin problems like acne due to hormonal changes, doctors suggest increasing your intake of vitamin B6 to restore hormonal balance. This in turn helps to significantly reduce acne.

Vitamin B9

Skin disorders associated with a diet lacking in vitamin B9 (folic acid) can manifest as acne. A person with deficiency of vitamin B9 is bound to suffer from acne, sooner or later. Vitamin B9 helps the regeneration of healthy skin cells, which can help improve acne.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also equipped with features that help keep acne under control. The healing process of acne can take a back seat in case the person is deficient in vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for maintaining the production of collagen (proteins that keep the skin firm and elastic). Being an antioxidant, it rejuvenates the skin and reduces the harmful effects of free radicals. In order to accelerate the recovery of acne, adequate vitamin C is a necessity.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Whether protection against ultraviolet light or increased skin smoothness, vitamin E does everything to improve skin health. Considering the benefits of vitamin E in the skin, taking it orally or topically can benefit in reducing acne.

A healthy, well-balanced diet provides all the vitamins, it is considered the best way to include vitamins for acne control in their daily meals. For severe forms of acne (cystic acne), a diet alone may not be sufficient to reduce the appearance of those embarrassing stains. So in addition to a diet, taking vitamin supplements internally or applying lotions that contain these nutrients as directed by the doctor (excessive doses can damage the skin) may be a good remedy to relieve the symptoms of acne.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

5 Simple Ways to Control Acne

As control acne - 5 Ways to control acne

Acne can be a difficult condition to treat, often can compromise your confidence and self-esteem. There are many products on the market that help deal with the problem, but there are some quick and easy changes in lifestyle that can make a big difference.

5 Simple Ways to Control Acne

Just take a look at some of the suggestions below:

1). Avoid abrasive skin products

While you exfoliate and treatment is often recommended for problem skin, this is a myth.

In fact, the use of abrasive substances only irritates your skin and can break their natural defenses against bacteria that cause acne.

2). Exercise

The exercise of all kinds is very good for the skin, and of course for your overall health. Swimming is especially good because it will cool down at the same time it keeps you active.

Physical activity can also help reduce stress, which often has been linked to acne and other skin problems to control acne.

3). Sunbathing

Spending a little time in the sun has a lot of health benefits, as it is filling on vitamin D and helps maintain bone, heart and immune system strong, and enjoying the weather will boost your mood also.

Sunlight can also kill bacteria, helping to maintain and control acne, but make sure you do not overdo it.

Too much sun can tighten and dry skin and clogged pores, so you better make sure the limit of its exposure to direct sunlight for about 20 minutes at a time, and use sunscreen!

4). Stay out of the cold

Too cold can damage your skin as much as too much sun - if you need to leave the cold, make sure you can moisturize regularly!

5). Stay Clean

Towels and linens are some of the most common places to collect bacteria, and are all things that touch your skin regularly.

Try to wash as often as possible to keep to a minimum, adding a few drops of lime, lemon oil or tea tree or vinegar to your washing can also help, as can using all natural detergents.

The best way to manage your acne is pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Not only help your skin but also improve your overall health and help you to feel happier and more energetic. You may have to wait a while for these strategies to take effect, but it will.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How to Remove Acne Spots

5 Tips on How to Remove Acne Spots

Acne can leave marks that remain on the skin for many years. While they can happen to adults, in reality it is more likely to appear in the period of puberty, when there is an alteration of hormones, causing too much fat in the skin.

In this article I will share with you 5 simple techniques on how to remove acne scars. These techniques must use one by one or combine them for best results.

How to Remove Acne Spots

How to remove acne scars simple form

There are a variety of remedies and natural treatments to remove acne marks quickly and easily:

1. Hydration

So you can have your skin hydrated you must drink water, this is very beneficial and is able to clean the toxins from your body, this also helps heal acne marks because it helps regenerate skin cells.

2. Oil rose hips

This is a good option to remove acne marks, works as an effective agent to remove marks as this regenerates the cells of your skin leaving it soft at the same time.

3. Balanced Diet

You have to maintain a balanced diet to eliminate acne marks because it has been shown that if you eat nutritious foods, your skin will be healthier and your brands heal faster.

4. Rose water and sandalwood paste

A combination of rose water and sandalwood paste is a very effective treatment to clear acne scars, you just have to aplicártela in areas affected by acne and leave on all night, the next day wash with cold water.

5. The tomato

This is rich in vitamin A, which helps prevent the production of oil in the skin which causes acne and scars appear. The tomato has antioxidant properties that rejuvenate your damaged skin acne marks. To use tomato to remove acne marks just cut it in half and applying it on your skin for 30 minutes every day.

These 5 tips on how to remove acne scars work well for people who suffer from acne regardless of age. Just choose the one that best suits your needs and give you better results.